


Reason 1:
First check whether the voltage in your home is stable, if the voltage is in the peak period, the voltage will be unstable. At this point, the lamp may not be bright enough to emit only a faint light.

Led lights emit a faint light only when turned on.

Reason 2:
In general, there is a problem with the attachment or wiring of the bulb itself, which is most likely to cause the LED bulb to turn on and emit only a weak light.

How to solve the LED light is turned on and only emit faint light and can not turn on the problem.

How to check whether the LED light is open only weak light is not bright is the problem of the lamp? You can see if the lamp in other places is cool, if it can be bright, it means that this is a line problem, if it is not bright, it represents a problem of the lamp.